Se La Fet 3
- kalligrafie with Maher Azeez
- origami with Foo Fei Lin
- origami workshop Se la fet 25/06/16
- Hard Destiny – Quasem & Mirsad
- good job Kito & Yousef
- good job Hussein
- dance workshop by Compagnie Sombo
- Manti – Oezbeekse lekkernij by Stella & Vadzim
- more volunteers. Thanks Evelyne & Massoud
- hard work at the bar
- Samba Django
‘Images Re-portées’ (performance exhibition)
by Don Verboven & Roel Kerkhofs
- expo ‘Images Re-portées’ Se la fet 25/06/16
20:30 ‘Images Re-portées’
(performative exhibition)
by Don Verboven & Roel Kerkhofs[BE]
tables d’hôtes/
18:00 Oezbeekse& Syrische dis
Saveurs d’Ouzbékistan& Syrie
A taste of Uzbekistan& Syria
21:45 Palestijnse Iftar
Iftar palestinien
Palestinian Iftar
concerts/ dance/
17:30 Introducing
17:30 Hard Destiny[AF/AL]
18:00 Dance workshop by Compagnie Sombo[TG]
19:30 New Music[IQ]
21:00 Samba Django & Munal[MR/RW/SN]
22:00 Se La Ann (Irma Firma)[BE]
23:30 Kristcoe[BE]
17:00 -> 20:00 Origami by Foo Fei Lin[ID]
17:00 -> 20:00 Kalligrafie by Maher[IR]
18:00 & 1/8 Finals
21:00 Euro 2016 France
21:45 ‘Samuel Salam’ (music video première)
by De Karavaan[AL/BE/MK/RO/RS/SN/XK]