Opening Ateliers

Globe Aroma has been and continues to be the polyvocal platform for artists radically re-imagining possibilities in expression. It has been the home for a few hundreds artists in the past twenty years and the tender complicit of the most extraordinary unfoldings. Now is the time for Globe Aroma to explore new possibilities in ways of supporting and elevating. And so, in order to make space for, we are ought to take care of.

This selection of works is an admittedly incomplete sample of the extraordinary manifestations housed in the space of Globe Aroma during the past twenty years. The selection is hybrid in nature, and the works translate of deeply different parcours. For long, they were buried in the clustered upstairs atelier space. And for the first time now, after a fastidious sorting process, they are brought into clear sight and have their voices buzz to one another.

  • Exhibited artists:
    Sahra Abdikarin
    Camille Bakali
    Erik Gonzales
    Gillis Houben
    Issouf Ilboudo
    Baminla Timothée Lambony
    Saidou LY
    Conté Morlaye
    Rouchdi Mounsari
    Shilemeza Prins
    Abdou Razo
    Barry Ahmad Talib
    Larisa Utesheva
  • Exhibition team:
    Sophia Attigui — curation
    Zoheir Boumelha — production
    Mahy Nambiar — production
    Amina Saâdi — communication
    Brecht Theunis — production
    Elli Vassalou — production