Visual Arts
Via the artistic workplace, Globe Aroma supports artists by providing them with a space where to work and think, tools, and a network in the art field. Globe Aroma works with people who have a newcomer’s background and might therefore face particular obstacles in accessing the art field and engaging in artistic activities due to their precarious citizenship status.
We encourage artists to reach out to Globe Aroma to talk with the team and design together a tailored-made trajectory: see together what Globe Aroma can offer and how they can be part of the artistic workplace.
At Globe Aroma we work in steps: an initial phase in the open co-workspace where we get to know each other and, possibly, a later phase in the dedicated atelier, where we try to provide space and conditions for artists to grow professionally.
At the moment, we are able to support artists working with the following media: drawing, painting, installation, sculpture, ceramics, mixed media, textile, music & djing.
Artists with a dance, theater and performance practice are welcomed to get in touch with us to find helpful solutions and/or getting connected with organizations that can support their practice.
Artists with a photographic, video and audiovisual practice are welcome to use our spaces and network but need to own their own equipment.
Globe Aroma open co-workspace & dedicated atelier work with the values of sharing and collective maintenance.
Supplies and space are commonly used and need to be taken care of collectively by the team, the artists and the volunteers.
Globe Aroma works with artists, not for artists. Artists wishing to join the artistic workplace will be invited to commit to these values and to join moments of collective discussions
(Assemblée Atelier) and cleaning days.
Feel free to send an email or an sms/whatsapp to
Alice Ciresola:
- +32 499 844371
You can also pass by Globe Aroma and ask for more information on the spot.