
Toshiki Okada’s “In-Between” follows the journey of the spaceship ‘In-Between,’ carrying a crew tasked with spreading the Japanese language across the universe. Through this sci-fi adventure, Okada explores group dynamics and language ownership. Using non-native Japanese speakers as actors, he highlights how language belongs to its speakers, touching on Japan’s colonial history and linguistic expansion. As the crew encounters an android and an alien, they ponder on origins and nostalgia for Earth. The play becomes a reflection on identity and belonging, suspended in the vastness of space. 

About the author: Toshiki Okada, a playwright and director, collaborates with theaters in Japan, Germany, and beyond. His works include “God Bless Baseball” and “Pratthana – A Portrait of Possession.” His plays “The Vacuum Cleaner” and “Doughnuts” were celebrated by Theatertreffen in 2020 and 2022. He’s also an accomplished author, winning prizes for his books. His theater company, chelfitsch, founded in 1997, is known for its innovative approach to speech and movement. They’ve performed worldwide, premiering works like “Five Days in March” and “Super Premium Soft Double Vanilla Rich.” Collaborations include “Ground and Floor” and “NEW ILLUSION.” In 2021, they launched a workshop and will debut “The Window of Spaceship ‘In-Between’” in 2023, touring Brussels, Seoul, and Paris in 2024.

*Meeting*@ Globe Aroma → 20:00

Interested ? Contact Gladys: 0496 10 86 57 / artforall@globearoma.be