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AFA NOVEMBER Pictures website14

On November 25, Art For All goes to Hshouma (Zainab Fasiki).

A handbrake that fails is a classic ingredient for nightmares: losing control, not being able to stop, heading for a crash. On the other hand, it can also mean a sense of being free and of speeding forward without inhibitions. But is movement always a forward movement? Those who move in circles end at the beginning and begin at the end. In Ghost Writer and the Broken Hand Break, three performers turn around their axis for three quarters of an hour – a movement that in Sufi ceremonies is supposed to lead to a state of religious euphoria. In Miet Warlop’s version, it becomes an experiment on the fine line between having and losing control. It is a mixture of whirling dance, recitation and concert. How can you find a balance between self-control and devotion?

We meet up with the group at Globe Aroma at 7:15pm.

Interested? Contact Amina: 0496 10 86 57 /

You can find more info here.