AFA NOVEMBER Pictures website3

On November 17, Art For All goes to DÉFAUT D’ORIGINE ((Bouchra Ezzahir + Yasmine Laassal)..

The child of an illegitimate Belgian-Moroccan couple in the 1970s, trapped in the non-recognition of the diversities that constitute her, exposed to ordinary violence, Yasmine grows up with shame for a body, a skin colour and a hair texture that she wears as a stigma, physical attributes associated with despised and humiliated communities.

As a teenager, after the brutal death of her father, out of hatred for her body and for what is “foreign” about her, she develops a skin disease that bothers her daily and which she hides because she can finally hide this new stigma.

On stage, the voices of the past enter into dialogue with the voice of the grown-up woman who transforms for us her shame into an instrument of freedom.

Although constantly referencing collective history, this autobiographical performance tells Yasmine’s own story, one that challenges logic and defies clichés. It becomes the story of an intimate investigation, full of identity problems and blurring, shame, anger, self-hatred and pride.

On stage, Yasmine reconstructs for us the puzzle of an existence prevented by a lack of origin. Through the candour and humour with which she has managed to confront the questions related to her identity, she allows us to approach in an original and light-hearted way the issue of the inner conflicts we face when we carry a dual culture or, more broadly, when we do not feel recognised in our differences.

We meet up with the group at Globe Aroma at 7:30pm.

Interested? Contact Amina: 0496 10 86 57 /

You can find more info here.