

Globe Aroma invites musicians with a newcomer’s background who reside in Belgium to join the new and exciting community that is taking shape. 

The new music community aims to unite professional musicians and members of the local music network with the purpose of creating a space for passionate musicians to foster connections and creative collaborations.

So, what can you expect from this exciting musical journey?

  1. Forge Lifelong Connections, exchange ideas, collaborate on projects.
  2. Inspire New Musical Ventures.
  3. Stay updated on the latest initiatives and opportunities in the city’s music scene.
  4. Attend Meetups, Small Concerts, and Workshops.

Are you, or is someone you know, a musician interested in our project? All you have to do is send an email to, give us a call at Globe Aroma or just pay us a visit any day of the week. We would love to know what you are working on as a musician and what your future plans are!