Hosting in Hostility @ Venice Biennale of Architecture
Globe Aroma has been supported since 2021 by WA, an action research group from the Department of Architecture at KU Leuven. WA consists of Luce Beeckmans, Tasneem Nagi, Dounia Salamé, Heleen Verheyden and Jasmien De Ryck.
During the week of September 11 to 15, WA will present (a.o. together with their colleague Shila Anaraki) the exhibition ‘Hosting in Hostility’ during the architecture biennale in Venice (in the Pavilion of San Marino). In that expo, they focus on two ‘Infrastructures of Hospitality’: Globe Aroma in Brussels and The Yalla Project in Palestine.
If you happen to be in Venice, you know where to go!