AFA goes Sewermuseum
On july 8, Art For All goes to Sewermuseum.
The museum is housed in two former neoclassical-style granting pavilions. You enter one and exit the other! In between, you’ll get to experience the essential work of a sewage worker and the means used to combat flooding in the city. Around ten metres underground, you’ll be able to stroll along the banks of the Senne and enter a real sewer: the collector sewer of the Chaussée de Mons!
A visit to the museum allows you to appreciate the work undertaken by the men in this underground world. Sewer construction and repair techniques and flood control methods are part of the daily life of sewage workers.
Photos, models and various items reveal the importance of what is happening under your feet. How does the water pass from our house to the wastewater treatment plant? How do sewers and underground transport work together?