Comfort is found in a spicy sauce (1)
Trying things out (1)
Trying things out (17)

Our evening (2/12) at Kaaistudio was a moment for the attentive and caring eyes of those who want to discover what’s still being researched and developed. It began with a tasting of Ifrah Yusuf’s hot sauce, followed by a glimpse of different performative projects still in their making.

Comfort is found in a spicy sauce (Ifrah Yusuf)
Trying things out:
**** ‘Quand tu me fuis’ (a theater project by Remi Sermini)
**** ‘The Dowry’ by Tamila (Tengo Eminashvili) and Tamara (ttamo) Mamulashvili
**** Poetik Riots


was a focus programme on storytelling curated by a community of artists, art lovers and art workers that happened at Kaaistudio during the first weekend of December.

* See is for Story, Tea is for Telling

  • Concept, production, support Globe Aroma
  • Co-production Kaaitheater
  • Thanks to Monty, Europalia, VGC, Vlaamse Gemeenschap, De Nationale Loterij, Welzijnszorg, Instituut voor de gelijkheid van vrouwen en mannen