
Ly was born in Mauritania in 1983. Saidou is a passionate visual artist and poet. He is inspired by the great masters of painting such as Léonardo Da Vinci, Rembrandt and modern Picasso and Salvador Dalí. In 2007, Ly was a member of an artist organization in Mauritania: l’Union des Artistes Peintres Mauritaniens (UAPM). He fled to Belgium in 2011 because of the segregation regime in Mauritania, where Saidou faced repression, racism and injustice. Since his arrival in Belgium, Ly has already participated in 10 exhibitions and artistic projects. Among others, he exhibited in Ghent at the Center for Artistic Talent, at Interpole-Centre d’Expression et de Créativité ASBL, Kumbaa and Globe Aroma (Brussels). With his paintings, he wants to have a connection with the viewer << I want the viewer to feel what I have felt myself. >>

Saidou has already published several poems in poetry collections. Among them: ‘Desintégrations’ with publisher Chant des Rues.
Je ne suis pas un mont,
Car je vis dans un monde !
Et la vie m’est chère tel un don !
Puis, je me vois valsé sur des ondes infinies !
La traversée a été longue,
Mais, je tiens encore mes pieds fragiles sur terre,
Pour écouter la berceuse qui ne me rendra pas dingue !
Car ses rythmes empêcheront une émeute…
Je ne suis pas un mont,
Car je vis dans un monde !
Soudain, la pluie tombe sur un jardin suspendu,
Le temps s’arrête un moment…
Silence total !
Le cœur bat à flot,
Puis, la pensée suit sa réflexion…
Je ne suis pas un mont,
Car je vis dans un monde !
– Ly Saidou