The 3 Pillars
The 3 Pillars
Globe Aroma’s mission is based on 3 interdepending pillars
Pillar 1. Globe Aroma, an open art house
Welcoming and Greeting: a permanent and living exposition
Globe Aroma wishes to be a place where refugees, newcomers, artists, (the population of) Brussels, and actors within the migration sector intergrate, meet, inspire and stimulate artistic creation.
A place of alternative presentation
Globe Aroma’s new building permits more engagement in presentation and mediation with the public. Globe Aroma’s group of working users are responsible for the organization and programming, as well as the space of the house being opened to all external art projects (art institutions and schools)
Pillar 2. Globe Aroma, a place of multidisciplinary and participatory creation
Long term participatory art projects
Each year, Globe Aroma works with a professional artist in residence who leads an artistic process with a group of diverse and varied participants. The public of Globe Aroma then participates in these projects, in company with the participants of the neighborhood, and the rest of Brussels.
Globe Aroma in the neighborhood
Welfare organizations in the impoverished and diverse neighborhood of Rempart des Moines signal that there is a huge need for cultural activities. As of 2016, Globe Aroma hopes to develop extramural cultural activities in partnering with the organizations, street workers, and inhabitants of the neighborhood
Pillar 3. Globe Aroma, a crossroads within the world
New arrivals join forces with the cultural supply in Brussels: A line of culture
Each year, Globe Aroma organizes 90 cultural trips to Brussels for the newcomers of the Petit Château and of the ASBL BON (Office of Bruxellois for civic intergration)
Develop a network of transnational artists
Globe Aroma acts as a hub within the network of transmigration . A party of newcoming artists whom are traveling and only temporarily in Belgium (intended or unintended), until they travel to other cities to pursue their artistic careers. Globe Aroma wishes to explore how we can maintain these networks. For this, we must develop methodologies to facilitate and open up these exchanges.
Access to the artistic field for newcoming artists
In developing the collaboration with a solid partner; Globe Aroma longs to create access within different artistic domains for new arriving artists