Globe Aroma - StorytellingDiner1- (c) Globe Aroma - Mirra Markhaëva & Espace Fxmme -095

If you’ve read our previous article, you’ll know that we organized our first dinner with artist Mirra Markhaeva and opened our recipe book around Buuz, dumplings typical of the Buriatya Republic.

Maybe you wonder: why dumplings?

We think a dumpling is a tale in filled dough. Making dumplings requires patience, physical exercise and the wish to share time with other people. And by eating them together we want to celebrate the art of telling stories, be them personal, collective, traditional, invented, true, bed-time stories…

See is for story – Tea is for telling

*** A focus programme on storytelling
*** Curated by a community of artists, art lovers and art workers

As part of the curation, we propose you to dive into the process of making a program collectively via Dumpling Tales, a series of performative dinners during which people are invited to share food and stories.

  • Concept, production, support Globe Aroma
  • Co-production Kaaitheater
  • Thanks to Monty, Europalia, VGC, Vlaamse Gemeenschap, De Nationale Loterij, Welzijnszorg, Instituut voor de gelijkheid van vrouwen en mannen