Photographic documentation & Online Archiving of (your) artworks

Within the framework of the project “Learning to say goodbye” *, Globe Aroma organizes several moments where we share knowledge on documenting and archiving artworks. 

MARCH 11 + 12 

Do you have existing experience in documenting and digitally storing artworks and you would like to share this knowledge with others? Then you are welcome to participate in this two-day event 

MARCH 11 | 15 – 18h | Introduction


What is the best way to take photos with a smartphone? How do you proceed with a camera on a tripod? What is the best light to photograph a work? At what distance? What are the best settings on my camera? etc …

In group we look at what knowledge is existing among the participants and we examine together how to achieve the best results depending on the available material. 


What is the best place to store your images? On a hard drive? A cloud system? Immediately on a website? A tumblr page or do you create a slideshow on YouTube?

Together we discuss what the possibilities are and what experiences the participants have. What is the most efficient way to store and share digital information? Or are there several?

MARCH 12 | 13 – 18h | Studio Photography

Together with the participants we will build a professional photo studio at Globe Aroma and teach each other, from our experience, the most efficient way to photograph artworks in this setting. 

At the end of this two-day session, we will look for the most efficient way to pass on our collective knowledge to others and who is able to be there and at what times (see part 2)

— MARCH 22 + 24 | 26 & APRIL 1 | 2 — 

Do you have little or no experience in documenting and digitally storing (your) artworks and would like to acquire more knowledge about this? Then you are welcome to attend one of these days:

MARCH 22 | 15h30 – 18h | Introduction

Are you an artist who is interested in learning how to photographically document and archive your work in the best possible way? Then come visit us at Globe Aroma and together with other artists and photographers we will discuss what are the best possible techniques and methods for you.

 MARCH 24 | 26 & APRIL 1 | 2 10 – 18h | Workshops

Come visit us on one or more of these four days to learn, under the guidance of other artists and photographers, how to photograph and archive (your) works of art in the best possible way. We will teach you, depending on the time and interest you have, how to work with a smartphone and a digital camera in different settings. In addition, we can look together for the best way for you to archive your work online.



If you are interested, please let us know what equipment you have to capture your images and bring your own smartphone, camera and/or laptop to the workshop!


* “Learning to say goodbye” is a parting ritual in which Globe Aroma lovingly wants to document and archive the artworks realized and stored over the last 19 years, in order to be able to make room for future projects.